The Universal Code of Campsite Conduct, known from December 1996 until January 2001 as the "Bushido Code", promotes and protects a created culture within our organization, and sets a standard for behavior designed to compliment our Mission and Vision. We hold these values to be of the highest importance: respect, civility, honor, faith, service, integrity, humility, truth and honesty. Subscription to the Universal Code of Campsite Conduct is compulsory:

  1. Respect - Respect, civility and honor. Respect must be afforded all gamers and common courtesy should be demonstrated at all times. Respect for strategy, tactics and performance is critical. Civility when engaged with fellow members through any medium must be demonstrated. And honor afforded to principles, accomplishments, service and alliances both internally and external must be promoted.
  2. Faith - Belief in command and control systems designed to sponsor further existence of the organization. Belief in practiced principles and patient volunteerism.
  3. Service - Personal responsibility, commitment to cause and subscription to Mission and Vision are of the highest importance.
  4. Integrity - Keeping promises and the fostering of unity.
  5. Humility - Subscription to the ideal that the organization is greater than individual agenda.
  6. Truth - That honesty is the best policy and deception a web that leads to destruction.
  7. Connectivity - That connectivity issues are common to all gamers and complaints only distract others.
  8. Communication - That immature gamers are ignored when profane, rude or otherwise adolescent. Radio silence shall be the standard operating procedure escalated only by personal assault or organizational assault resulting only then in limited "canned responses".
  9. Teamwork - By default members are to play as a team in all situations unless otherwise instructed. The Clan Of The Camper does not sponsor dual memberships unless that membership does not prevent, influence or negate personal responsibility within our organization or is likewise allied with an external team whose Mission and Vision do not compliment the Clan Of The Camper.
  10. Confidentiality - Anything associated with the organization is private. Any information used by the Clan Of The Camper which is confidential must include an individuals right to privacy excluding legal challenges by Federal or State(s) prosecution.
  11. Conduct - Volunteers while individuals are also part of a larger community who by wearing [CotC] after their names contract to conduct themselves professionally honoring the integrity of the organization. Interpersonal conflicts and arguments, flameage and disagreements should be settled in private (taken to e-mail). Blood should never be spilled on the Floor of the Senate.
  12. Duality - That service earns membership. That members are volunteer soldiers first and friends united toward the collective search of fun second. That in order to operate "orders" must be dispatched and carried out as instructed, provided those orders originate from parameters established in the Republican Constitution.
  13. Identity - Members will not forsake their identity. Members of the clan will be identified in all games and in all communications which [CotC] populate by the player name they enlisted into Clan of the Camper with, or a unique abbreviation thereof, followed by the [CotC] chevron. The [CotC] Chevron shall forever be an upper case "C", a lower case "ot" and an upper case "C". [Should the member be participating in a function or sharing membership with another clan/organization, the usage of the [CotC] chevron would become optional unless the other clan/organization has no chevron of their own. Note that while membership in a clan/organization whose purpose/ideals directly conflict with CotC would be a violation of the Campquake Constitution, dual membership will generally be allowed, though not necessarily encouraged.1]

An individuals decision to refuse adherence to the Universal Code of Campsite Conduct can lead to the ejection of the member from the clan, a reduction in rank, or the prosecution of escalating corrective actions resulting in the termination of membership by formal disavowal.


Maintained by Clan of the Camper.
Copyright © 1996-. All rights ambushed.
This site dedicated to Organ Donor.